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Ways to Be Grateful Every Day of the Month

By Morgan A. Gayles

As you sit here reading this, think about all the good things you have in your life. It could be your pet. Maybe your car. As easy as maybe just running water. Now that you have that list in your head ask yourself this question. When was the last time I expressed my gratitude for these things? Most of us have constant running water and a roof over our heads. Not everyone is in the same boat. When was the last time you sat down and just thought about how grateful you are to have all the people in your life? How grateful you are to have friends. To have a sense of family. Living intentionally is realize what you have and being grateful for it.

Gratitude is about attitude

When we think of gratitude, we see it as expressing ourselves through words.

But really when we are grateful it is more about the action we take. When our lives are down, we tend to forget what we do have. Instead, we focus on what we don't. Change the attitude and open your eyes. List out what you do have in life and just accept those facts. To live intentionally is to change the attitude that we portray on the inside of us. Let it reflect on the outside.

Find gratitude in your challenges!

You may be thinking as to why to find gratitude in probably the lowest times for you. Well, if you can find gratitude in the lowest, then it'll be easier to appreciate gratitude in the most positive moments. Gratitude isn't just about being thankful and positive. It is hard to be optimistic. To try and have faith in everything. But think back to when things just seemed like they would never get better. When it felt like, everything was crashing on you all at the same time. Did you still have that running water? Did you still have those loved ones around you? Were you alive and well?

Having gratitude doesn't dismiss your hardships.

Yes, you can be grateful for what others may not have and you do have.

But remember that it doesn't invalidate your grievances. It doesn't just make your problems small. Because to you this situation you are in, the problems you face are just as important to you. There's no need to compare trauma or compare hardships with others. Not everyone is going through the same thing as you. Even if they are, they may have different factors.

Get Inspired

The best way to practice this in your daily life is to keep a gratitude journal. A journal just for your positive thoughts. Try to write in it every day or as much as you want. There will be days where you won't want to be positive. That is completely okay. Just be sure to try and also practice mindfulness. Take moments of your day to list ten things you're grateful for in general. Remember, something becomes a habit in 30 days.


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