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Everything does not have to be so serious...

Since we were just babies, we have always been put on a schedule. Always been told what to do. Whether that is by a teacher, parents, older sibling, or a boss. Doesn’t matter where you go or who you are, living by rules is something ingrained in us. We become complacent to our own lives and it all just seems to mush together. Then we look on social media and see people traveling and living their best lives. It makes you feel like your life is so drab. As if you are the most boring person on this planet. Let me let you in on a little secret.

Having fun is subjective.

Everyone has their own definition of it.

That doesn’t mean that you don’t have any in your life. You just need to get up and find what is fun for you. When wanting to live intentionally, we usually think of all the hard work that will come with it. But you need to remember to have fun in the process.

It seemed so much easier to have fun as a child. We had our imaginations and curiosity. Now we have bills and taxes to worry about. That is far from what the definition of fun is. To live a fun life, you need to get up and go find what is fun.

Maybe for you going free hand rock climbing isn’t fun. Fun for you could just be staying home and watching Netflix. Or going to your favorite club with your friends. Whatever puts a smile on your face is considered fun.

Having fun is what you make of it

Who care what others think, have fun!

No one really should discourage you or make you think your type of fun doesn’t qualify. A homebody wouldn’t consider a night on the town fun, but an extrovert would. Anything can be turned into a fun night if you’re willing to take it there. A boring night in can turn into a spontaneous trip to Target with your friends.

Having fun has no age limit.

We all see having fun as something only young people get to do. That it caps out once you settled down in your own way. And it can pick back up once you are close to kicking the bucket. Fun is for all ages and for all walks of life. Saying fun has an age limit is like saying listening to music and dancing has an age limit. There’s no gatekeeping when it comes to something that makes you happy.

We all wish to live a happy and fulfilled life. One that you can look back on and smile at. What a waste it would be if that life weren’t lived to the fullest. The world is always so serious. No matter what is happening at the time, it always seems like the mood is down 24/7. As if no one can catch a break. Just because the world may be serious, but that doesn’t mean you always have to be.


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