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Steps to Becoming Authentic in All Aspects of Your Life

By Morgan A. Gayles

Have you ever been told that it's best to live authentically? That you need to learn how to live true to yourself. In life, we sometimes lose our way in the day-to-day actions we take. As we develop and grow, we are left with our own devices. Maybe one day when we wake up. We look in the mirror and look at ourselves. And all we see is a version of ourselves that we just don't recognize anymore. We've become consumed with the life we built that we lost our self. Living life intentionally is us having to learn how to live authentically.

What does it mean to live authentically?

I'm not talking about going natural and recycling. Although, that is not a bad idea either.

To live authentically, is in simple terms, to live honestly. Whether that be to yourself, to others, or the world. Maybe all at once. Once we are put into the adult world, we are told to adapt to survive. Mostly we can do that and still maintain the person that we are in general. But eventually, we change ourselves to fit the outside world best. By being honest to yourself you are letting yourself be you. You are not holding back who you are as a person.

To live authentically, you need to know who you are

None of us know who we are fully probably until later in our older adult life. We are always finding ourselves. But to live honest and authentic is to live as you are in that time. At that moment in your life, you are the person that you want to be or trying to be. Stick with it despite what society or anyone else tells you otherwise.

Living intentionally authentic is to not be ashamed of who you are.

No matter the race or ethnicity that you are, there are stereotypes.

Some structures generalize who you are. If you don't fit the mold, then don't be ashamed. Don't feel like you are an odd ugly duckling. To be unique is to be special. You are living your life how you want. It is a more sense of being free than being held down. Be confident in whatever style, music genre, food taste, or culture that you are submerged in.

Living authentically is for you.

This is a big one. There are times in life where we live for others. We think it's best to live for others and make others proud. But remember that this is for you. This is your happiness, your joy. When you wake up, you think about yourself. What you're going to eat, but then we are sidetracked by jobs, bills, etc. Put yourself first. It is not selfish. Being honest with yourself is telling yourself when you need a break. When you need to pamper yourself. When you need to let go of toxicity. Living authentically is to live with freedom and peace.


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