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Details Matter: How to Become a More Thoughtful and Kind Person

By Morgan A. Gayles

In the modern fast-paced world, it is very easy to get caught up in the daily grind. We’re rushing mentally and physically. We don’t have time to slow down and to create more space in our lives professionally and personally after thoughtful introspection. Have you ever thought about how you can be more considerate toward others? What small changes you can make in your life that can cause a positive spillover effect in the life of others? Everyone has thought of that at some point in their life, but then people give up the idea of doing that in the longer run.

Most people fail to achieve their desired results not because they cannot, but they lack the fortitude and courage to remain intentional in their goal. Thoughtfulness should be our top priority because the way we interact with others directly impacts our life. This world will be a much better place if we are a bit thoughtful in our approach to life. Thoughtfulness is much more than just being nice to other people. Being thoughtful means, you pay close attention to the people around you, reflect on the situation, and respond accordingly in a purposeful way with love and care. Here are some simple ways in which we can be more thoughtful and considerate toward others.

Be Empathetic Toward Others

Empathy means putting yourself in the shoes of others and understanding how they feel.

Empathy creates a bridge of connection. It makes other people feel that you are not judging them. It helps you bring yourself closer to others and understand what you can do to improve their situation. People who are thoughtful in their actions always think about the well-being of others. They anticipate what people need and have the ability to see things from their perspective.

Say Thank You More Often

Everyone has an inherent need to be appreciated and recognized. Even if you are busy, always find some time to say thank you to others by giving a compliment or leaving a handwritten note on the table of your colleague, friend, or family member. Always give complemen\’t to the waiter, cashier or any person providing service to you. The compliment will be unexpected and will be appreciated for sure that can lead to small talk. This thoughtful action can make you feel good and also can improve your relations with others.

Respond Properly

If someone calls you, sends you an email or talk to you in person, respond!

It will take only a few minutes of your day, no matter how busy you are. Acknowledging and actively listening to others is a thoughtful action. That might seem like a simple gesture, but it can bring a lot of warmth in your relations to others. Try to be more proactive and initiate discussions with your friends, family, and colleagues with a smile and let them know that you care and think about them.

Dig Deeper to Enrich Your Relationships

Going deeper in your conversation with others is always a good idea. It only takes few questions to uncover the useful information that can enrich your relationships. It makes other people feel valued when they see you are considering thoughtfully what they are saying instead of jumping to conclusions. When you show common interest with people, it makes them feel that you are genuinely interested in them, and they respect you for that.

Next time you feel too busy to make a call to your friend or saying thank you to someone, take a step back, challenge your perception and make a conscious effort to be more thoughtful. Being thoughtful is a way of life for a more considerate and content life. All you have to do is to take into account the feelings and needs of others. Anyone can do that by slowing down and a little self-reflection. Are you thinking of starting tomorrow? Start Now!


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