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Life-changing Habits That Will Make You Mentally Stronger

By Morgan A. Gayles

It can’t rain all the time. In the pursuit of your ideal lifestyle, you will fall, and the tough part is staying strong until that storm passes. But when you cannot handle the tough situations life throws at you, things can be pretty devastating and can go out of control. What if you can face these adverse situations and obstacles with resilience and can bounce back from any setback in life? Good news: you definitely can!

Anyone can be strong and can fight against the odds; all you have to do is work on your emotional resilience and confidence so that you can be mentally strong when the hard times come around. That is an arduous process and doesn’t happen overnight. But once you are consistent with the efforts, results in the form of your enhanced ability to handle setbacks will amaze you. Life would have been so much easier if there were all rainbows and sunshine. But that’s not possible.

Tough times are an inevitable part of human existence. Sometimes the going gets so tough that it becomes impossible to stay strong. From managing complex situations at your job to facing tragedies in your personal lives, these tactics can help you to stay strong in the journey of living life on your own terms.

Live in the Moment

Challenges that come in life test your willingness to change and fight against the odds.

The worst thing you can do is neglect them and procrastinate on finding the solution to the problems at hand. The challenge is right there in front of you; focus all your energy on the present moment. When you direct all your attention to the present moment, you’ll come to realize that you have the most power to rectify the problem. Along with that, delving into the past and thinking of the future also diverts your attention from the present. Learn from the past and strategize for the future but live in the moment to stay strong.

Change Your Perspective

It sounds like a cliché but refraining from negative thoughts and changing your perspective can help you stay strong when life becomes overwhelmingly hard. It doesn’t mean that you always have to look through the rose-colored glasses and remain oblivious to reality. Faking happiness during adversity won’t help you. You have to realistically reframe negative thoughts for instance instead of thinking, ‘I will not be able to survive this’ try to reframe that ‘I have survived hardships before, and I will also make it through this time.’

Focus on Your Strengths

While chasing our dreams, when we face hindrance, our brain is wired to focus on weaknesses instead of strengths.

Channeling your strengths towards problems instead of wasting your energy on negative thoughts can help you sail through hard times. In addition to identifying the spheres of life where you want to improve, also make a list of strengths that you possess and appreciate yourself for having them. Giving a pat to yourself now and then can help you to stay afloat during chaotic times.

It's okay...ask for help

Being strong doesn’t mean that you can do everything on your own. It’s quite the opposite. You have to acknowledge the fact that there will be times when you can ask for help from your colleagues or friends, and it’s totally fine. You will have the opportunity to garner diverse solutions to your problem. Acknowledging this fact can make you even stronger. Next time you want some help with the presentation or want some advice, don’t be shy to ask for help.

Yes, you can get what you want but remain firm when the hurricane hits in the way. Sometimes minor tweaks are all it takes to make a huge impact. Remember, you can be strong because you are strong!


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