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How to Free Your From Your Mind's Limitations

By Morgan A. Gayles

At times we feel bound in chains to the circumstances and sometimes even to ourselves. That can perpetuate feelings of depression and hopelessness in our lives. Ever felt stuck like that? Isn’t it time to free yourself from all the shackles? The best way to get out of a rut is to start running in all directions and be free instead of taking a steady course. As Buddha said,In the end, these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” But for many of us, living a free life is a distant dream.

We are tied by different obligations that we never intended to have in the first place. To be free means to be yourself, do what you want, and spend time with the people of your choice. Every one of us deserves freedom. So, claim your freedom. Being free, content, and living a life of dreams is monumental. But how many of us are willing to do the work required to live a life of passion and purpose. Still worried that how will you tread on a journey of freedom. No worries we’ve got you covered. Start instituting the below-mentioned practices to intentionally achieve freedom in your life that you have been craving for.

Stay Original

It’s a reality that everyone wants to feel that they matter, and it is an anomaly to be your true self in the modern screen-obsessed world.

But that does not mean that you should do things just to fit in society. It makes you feel bound to societal expectations that can jeopardize your personality. Are you also fed up with keeping up the appearances? Free yourself from society’s pressure to be perfect, be yourself as original is always better than a copy.

Express Yourself Freely

Find your unique voice and then express it freely in front of people you love, your family, friends, and colleagues. Create new things that you are passionate about. Cook, write, bake, or do anything that makes you a free spirit, and then showcase your creativity in front of other people. Share and express your inner light and love in front of the world. As Bruce Lee has rightly said, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”

Do Something That Challenges You

It’s never too late, so pick it up again.

Have you ever started watching or reading something that you thought would be meaningful in your life, and then left it halfway as it required more attention and focus than you were able to give it at that time? As challenging yourself with meaningful content can broaden your horizon and give you new perspectives and ideas to think about that can provoke free-thinking free from any prejudices. Free yourself by learning things you don’t know and open yourself to limitless possibilities.

Enjoy the Journey Instead of Focusing on the Destination

If you want to be free from the constant worry about the future intentionally, focus on the process instead of outcomes. The actual journey of reaching the goal far exceeds the real goal. Goal achievement is the by-product of the journey in which you fall, rise, and attain the various valuable skills, connections, and inner growth. Always trust in a greater plan for your life and trust the process as things unfold over time. Skip the urge to just jump at the end of the story instead of living the present moment. Every second matters.

These steps have the power to change your life upside down. But while implementing them you will be uncomfortable. But that’s the goal if you want to be the ruler of your own kingdom. Until you don’t realize and strive for that, you can never be free. Being out of your comfort zone is the price of your freedom. But it’s totally worth it!


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