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You are sufficient.

By Morgan A. Gayles

In life, we strive to always have more. To always try and be better than where we are at now. Whether that is in school, our jobs, or just in our relationships. No one wants to be a failure. Or to be lesser than what they imagined for ourselves. We all have these dreams, goals, and aspirations that we aspire to achieve. But sometimes in life, we gotta look at what we have. Look at what you have and know that it is enough. That everything is sufficient in your life at the moment. Acknowledge that at least you are meeting your needs in life.

What does it mean to live sufficiently?

For something to be sufficient it is meaning that it is enough.

Not too much and not too little. It’s exactly right for yourself or for others. Sometimes, we wish that we had more of something. More food. More money. More joy. More love in our lives. It always seems like nothing can never be enough or up to our standards. Why is that? Instead of just being grateful we succumb to greed that only external measures can satisfy. Have you ever thought as to why?

Even in relationships, sometimes we leave a person because they are deemed “not enough”. When if we took off our selfish glasses, we would have seen that they are enough. Maybe it is you telling yourself that you aren’t enough. That you are not enough for anyone in your life. When that is just not true.

Being sufficient comes from within

We can want and want all the things in the world. You could be the richest person in the world, but if you don’t think you’re enough even for yourself then it’s useless. We look at all these celebrities and other famous people and think that they have it made. But when in reality, they have it made, but in their heads, they are in the darkest part of their lives. Being enough for yourself is a mindset that only you can fix.

Give yourself grace

In order to be enough for someone else you need to be enough for your own self.

When trying to live intentionally sufficient, it will always come back to how you see yourself. How you let yourself feel when there is no one around. As much as some of us put up this façade of being okay, we know that in our inner emotions that we are not. We carry a smile outside, but as soon as you enter your home that smile drops into tears along with a frown.

Be the person that you want to be. The person that is enough to satisfy yourself. Because once you are sufficient for yourself then the rest will just come easy. You will feel more confident in your life as a person, as a worker, as a parent, as a sibling, etc. It will show on your face that you decided to become enough for the one person that matters…yourself.


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