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Step Out of the Shadows: Be Fearless

By Morgan A. Gayles

Sometimes life feels much harder than it should be doesn’t it? We all have been there. It is where feelings of dejection creep in and start creating hopelessness in your life. That’s the point where you must start living boldly and intentionally by designing a life that you love. You won’t have control over the outcomes but making an effort to change your lifestyle will make you one inch closer to your goals.

When you boldly strive to live a meaningful life despite the odds, opposition, and circumstances, you can do wonders in life. Your mindset can make a massive difference in the way you live your life. Sometimes, we get so stuck in the things that went wrong instead of noticing the amazing things that made our day. You have the power to be bold and let go of the things coming in your way of success. Don’t follow the path others have set for you. Make your own choices instead of making choices for others. Follow these strategies to take control of your life decisions with boldness and create a life you have been yearning for.

Set Clear Intentions

Think about what motivates you to wake up daily and imagine what your ideal life would be like?

The best way to go about this is to sit down with a hot cup of coffee and jot down all the things that you aspire to do in life. Then categorize those written things into yearly, monthly, and weekly goals. Finally, think of different bold ways to make those things happen and set a plan in action to make those things happen.

Free Yourself from the Shackles of Fears

Have you ever thought about what happens if I take that risk and then suddenly abandoned the thought of taking risk that might have been a success? We all have fears when it comes to achieving our goals and desires. Be bold, and don’t ever let those fears conquer you. Big dreams might look scary and impossible to achieve. If it were easy to achieve goals, everyone would do it. Shift your perspective and see the intimidating situation as an opportunity to grow. Try to embrace your fears, face them, and make things happen.

Face Rejections Boldly

It becomes frustrating at times when you face rejections one after the other.

It’s your choice; you can give up or take that no as an opportunity to change your thought process and try again. No one person doesn’t mean that you are destined to fail. The two airplane creations of the Wright brothers failed before they were successful and made 700 flights with a third glider. As Erin Hanson rightly addressed the fears of all dreamers, “What if I fall? Oh, but my darling what if you fly?”. So, start flying boldly with your goals.

Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Don’t consume yourself with thoughts about what others think about you or what others are doing in their lives. The truth is not everyone will be going to like you. So, why bother even trying? Life is not fun if you remain worried about offending and pleasing people. Be bold and stay true to your authentic self. Everyone has their own journey. Comparison steals joy from your life. You direct all your attention to what others think about you instead of thinking about what you can do to make your life more joyful.

Live on purpose. It’s not the perfect way yet the best you can do with the only life you have. It will lead to a happier life with no regrets. That is how you will make better decisions. Choosing to live boldly is the first step you can take to tread on a path of a fuller life. Let’s be bold!


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