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Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude in the Face of Adversity

By Morgan A. Gayles

We turn on our phones in the morning. Or we go to our TVs and turn on the news. And what do we see? A whole bunch of negativities. You never get to turn on the news and see something cheerful nowadays. Not even on social media do you see positivity anymore? It is always someone hurt, a country in shambles, a child without a loving home, or wildlife getting destroyed. With all this negativity it can sometimes bleed into our lives. It can make us feel like there is no light in the world anymore. But I have an insight for you.

Positivity has to come from within.

We now know that we can’t solely depend on the social, outside world to make us happy 24/7.

Sometimes it takes our own actions to make us feel happy again. It has to take us getting off our phones and turning off the CNN. Doing something to make us happy. Living intentionally is governed by how you feel and how you perceive your emotions. Without having that emotional intelligence to help guide you then it’ll be harder to want to live intentionally.

Emotional Intelligence is key to living positively.

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and sympathetically. When you notice that you’re being negative or have fallen into a negative spell for a long time, it is your job to pull yourself out. Yes, you can try and talk to friends. Or try to be around loving family, but what if those people aren’t around, you at that moment? Will you just stay sad and be negative till they are at your use? No, you will find alternatives. Listen to your favorite happy playlist. Watch your comfort show. Put on a funny movie. Dance around in your home.

So how do you live daily?

To live in a positive light, is to have the knowledge of when you’re in a negative one.

Whether that is having toxic people in your life or being in a toxic environment. If you have a so-called “friend” that is bringing you nothing but sadness and is only tearing, you down then it’s time to cut them off. If you have a boyfriend that is just not treating, you like you worth or is degrading you. Then it is time to say enough is enough.

You are the controller of your own happiness.

No one else should decide what makes you happy. And no one should dictate your happiness. Think of it this way. If you were happy before you met someone, would you still stay happy if they left? You were already doing fine when you didn’t know them. So, their absence shouldn’t ruin that factor. As a society, we are always looking towards outside sources for our joy. Much so that we don’t know how to bring joy to ourselves on our own. Remember your happiness and enjoy it.


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